ESP32は内部でESP-IDFというSDKを利用して開発を行います。ESP-IDFを利用してArduiono CoreのAPIを実装したものの正式名称が「Arduino core for the ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3, ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2」です。
バージョン2系はESP-IDF v4を採用しており、バージョン3系はESP-IDF v5系になっています。この差は結構大きくて対応しているチップの種類が増えています。
上記がESP-IDFのバージョンとチップの対応表になります。これまではESP-IDF v4.4だったのですが、今回ESP-IDF v5.1.4に更新されました。これまで利用できなかったESP32-C2、C6、H2が利用可能になりました。ただしP5とC5はv5.3以降なのでまだ利用できません。
# | # | # | # | # |
1 | ArduinoOTA | BasicOTA | BasicOTA.ino | |
2 | AsyncUDP | AsyncUDPClient | AsyncUDPClient.ino | |
3 | AsyncUDP | AsyncUDPMulticastServer | AsyncUDPMulticastServer.ino | |
4 | AsyncUDP | AsyncUDPServer | AsyncUDPServer.ino | |
5 | BLE | Beacon_Scanner | Beacon_Scanner.ino | |
6 | BLE | BLE5_extended_scan | BLE5_extended_scan.ino | |
7 | BLE | BLE5_multi_advertising | BLE5_multi_advertising.ino | |
8 | BLE | BLE5_periodic_advertising | BLE5_periodic_advertising.ino | |
9 | BLE | BLE5_periodic_sync | BLE5_periodic_sync.ino | |
10 | BLE | Client | Client.ino | |
11 | BLE | EddystoneTLM_Beacon | EddystoneTLM_Beacon.ino | |
12 | BLE | EddystoneURL_Beacon | EddystoneURL_Beacon.ino | |
13 | BLE | iBeacon | iBeacon.ino | |
14 | BLE | Notify | Notify.ino | |
15 | BLE | Scan | Scan.ino | |
16 | BLE | Server | Server.ino | |
17 | BLE | Server_multiconnect | Server_multiconnect.ino | |
18 | BLE | UART | UART.ino | |
19 | BLE | Write | Write.ino | |
20 | BluetoothSerial | bt_classic_device_discovery | bt_classic_device_discovery.ino | |
21 | BluetoothSerial | bt_remove_paired_devices | bt_remove_paired_devices.ino | |
22 | BluetoothSerial | DiscoverConnect | DiscoverConnect.ino | |
23 | BluetoothSerial | GetLocalMAC | GetLocalMAC.ino | |
24 | BluetoothSerial | SerialToSerialBT | SerialToSerialBT.ino | |
25 | BluetoothSerial | SerialToSerialBTM | SerialToSerialBTM.ino | |
26 | BluetoothSerial | SerialToSerialBT_Legacy | SerialToSerialBT_Legacy.ino | |
27 | BluetoothSerial | SerialToSerialBT_SSP | SerialToSerialBT_SSP.ino | |
28 | DNSServer | CaptivePortal | CaptivePortal.ino | |
29 | EEPROM | eeprom_class | eeprom_class.ino | |
30 | EEPROM | eeprom_extra | eeprom_extra.ino | |
31 | EEPROM | eeprom_write | eeprom_write.ino | |
32 | ESP32 | AnalogOut | LEDCFade | LEDCFade.ino |
33 | ESP32 | AnalogOut | ledcFrequency | ledcFrequency.ino |
34 | ESP32 | AnalogOut | LEDCSoftwareFade | LEDCSoftwareFade.ino |
35 | ESP32 | AnalogOut | ledcWrite_RGB | ledcWrite_RGB.ino |
36 | ESP32 | AnalogOut | SigmaDelta | SigmaDelta.ino |
37 | ESP32 | AnalogRead | AnalogRead.ino | |
38 | ESP32 | AnalogReadContinuous | AnalogReadContinuous.ino | |
39 | ESP32 | ArduinoStackSize | ArduinoStackSize.ino | |
40 | ESP32 | Camera | CameraWebServer | CameraWebServer.ino |
41 | ESP32 | ChipID | GetChipID | GetChipID.ino |
42 | ESP32 | CI | CIBoardsTest | CIBoardsTest.ino |
43 | ESP32 | DeepSleep | ExternalWakeUp | ExternalWakeUp.ino |
44 | ESP32 | DeepSleep | SmoothBlink_ULP_Code | SmoothBlink_ULP_Code.ino |
45 | ESP32 | DeepSleep | TimerWakeUp | TimerWakeUp.ino |
46 | ESP32 | DeepSleep | TouchWakeUp | TouchWakeUp.ino |
47 | ESP32 | FreeRTOS | BasicMultiThreading | BasicMultiThreading.ino |
48 | ESP32 | FreeRTOS | Mutex | Mutex.ino |
49 | ESP32 | FreeRTOS | Queue | Queue.ino |
50 | ESP32 | FreeRTOS | Semaphore | Semaphore.ino |
51 | ESP32 | GPIO | BlinkRGB | BlinkRGB.ino |
52 | ESP32 | GPIO | FunctionalInterrupt | FunctionalInterrupt.ino |
53 | ESP32 | GPIO | FunctionalInterruptStruct | FunctionalInterruptStruct.ino |
54 | ESP32 | GPIO | GPIOInterrupt | GPIOInterrupt.ino |
55 | ESP32 | HWCDC_Events | HWCDC_Events.ino | |
56 | ESP32 | MacAddress | GetMacAddress | GetMacAddress.ino |
57 | ESP32 | ResetReason | ResetReason | ResetReason.ino |
58 | ESP32 | ResetReason | ResetReason2 | ResetReason2.ino |
59 | ESP32 | RMT | RMTCallback | RMTCallback.ino |
60 | ESP32 | RMT | RMTLoopback | RMTLoopback.ino |
61 | ESP32 | RMT | RMTReadXJT | RMTReadXJT.ino |
62 | ESP32 | RMT | RMTWriteNeoPixel | RMTWriteNeoPixel.ino |
63 | ESP32 | RMT | RMT_CPUFreq_Test | RMT_CPUFreq_Test.ino |
64 | ESP32 | RMT | RMT_EndOfTransmissionState | RMT_EndOfTransmissionState.ino |
65 | ESP32 | RMT | RMT_LED_Blink | RMT_LED_Blink.ino |
66 | ESP32 | Serial | BaudRateDetect_Demo | BaudRateDetect_Demo.ino |
67 | ESP32 | Serial | OnReceiveError_BREAK_Demo | OnReceiveError_BREAK_Demo.ino |
68 | ESP32 | Serial | onReceiveExample | onReceiveExample.ino |
69 | ESP32 | Serial | OnReceive_Demo | OnReceive_Demo.ino |
70 | ESP32 | Serial | RS485_Echo_Demo | RS485_Echo_Demo.ino |
71 | ESP32 | Serial | RxFIFOFull_Demo | RxFIFOFull_Demo.ino |
72 | ESP32 | Serial | RxTimeout_Demo | RxTimeout_Demo.ino |
73 | ESP32 | Serial | Serial_All_CPU_Freqs | Serial_All_CPU_Freqs.ino |
74 | ESP32 | Serial | Serial_STD_Func_OnReceive | Serial_STD_Func_OnReceive.ino |
75 | ESP32 | Template | ExampleTemplate | ExampleTemplate.ino |
76 | ESP32 | Time | SimpleTime | SimpleTime.ino |
77 | ESP32 | Timer | RepeatTimer | RepeatTimer.ino |
78 | ESP32 | Timer | WatchdogTimer | WatchdogTimer.ino |
79 | ESP32 | Touch | TouchButton | TouchButton.ino |
80 | ESP32 | Touch | TouchButtonV2 | TouchButtonV2.ino |
81 | ESP32 | Touch | TouchInterrupt | TouchInterrupt.ino |
82 | ESP32 | Touch | TouchRead | TouchRead.ino |
83 | ESP32 | TWAI | TWAIreceive | TWAIreceive.ino |
84 | ESP32 | TWAI | TWAItransmit | TWAItransmit.ino |
85 | ESP32 | Utilities | HEXBuilder | HEXBuilder.ino |
86 | ESP32 | Utilities | MD5Builder | MD5Builder.ino |
87 | ESP32 | Utilities | SHA1Builder | SHA1Builder.ino |
88 | ESP32 | Zigbee | Zigbee_Light_Bulb | Zigbee_Light_Bulb.ino |
89 | ESP32 | Zigbee | Zigbee_Light_Switch | Zigbee_Light_Switch.ino |
90 | ESP32 | Zigbee | Zigbee_Temperature_Sensor | Zigbee_Temperature_Sensor.ino |
91 | ESP32 | Zigbee | Zigbee_Thermostat | Zigbee_Thermostat.ino |
92 | ESPmDNS | mDNS-SD_Extended | mDNS-SD_Extended.ino | |
93 | ESPmDNS | mDNS_Web_Server | mDNS_Web_Server.ino | |
94 | ESP_I2S | ES8388_loopback | ES8388_loopback.ino | |
95 | ESP_I2S | Record_to_WAV | Record_to_WAV.ino | |
96 | ESP_I2S | Simple_tone | Simple_tone.ino | |
97 | ESP_NOW | ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Master | ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Master.ino | |
98 | ESP_NOW | ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Slave | ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Slave.ino | |
99 | ESP_NOW | ESP_NOW_Network | ESP_NOW_Network.ino | |
100 | ESP_NOW | ESP_NOW_Serial | ESP_NOW_Serial.ino | |
101 | ESP_SR | Basic | Basic.ino | |
102 | Ethernet | ETH_LAN8720 | ETH_LAN8720.ino | |
103 | Ethernet | ETH_TLK110 | ETH_TLK110.ino | |
104 | Ethernet | ETH_W5500_Arduino_SPI | ETH_W5500_Arduino_SPI.ino | |
105 | Ethernet | ETH_W5500_IDF_SPI | ETH_W5500_IDF_SPI.ino | |
106 | FFat | FFat_Test | FFat_Test.ino | |
107 | FFat | FFat_time | FFat_time.ino | |
108 | HTTPClient | Authorization | Authorization.ino | |
109 | HTTPClient | BasicHttpClient | BasicHttpClient.ino | |
110 | HTTPClient | BasicHttpsClient | BasicHttpsClient.ino | |
111 | HTTPClient | HTTPClientEnterprise | HTTPClientEnterprise.ino | |
112 | HTTPClient | ReuseConnection | ReuseConnection.ino | |
113 | HTTPClient | StreamHttpClient | StreamHttpClient.ino | |
114 | HTTPUpdate | httpUpdate | httpUpdate.ino | |
115 | HTTPUpdate | httpUpdateSecure | httpUpdateSecure.ino | |
116 | HTTPUpdate | httpUpdateSPIFFS | httpUpdateSPIFFS.ino | |
117 | HTTPUpdateServer | WebUpdater | WebUpdater.ino | |
118 | Insights | DiagnosticsSmokeTest | DiagnosticsSmokeTest.ino | |
119 | Insights | MinimalDiagnostics | MinimalDiagnostics.ino | |
120 | LittleFS | LITTLEFS_test | LITTLEFS_test.ino | |
121 | LittleFS | LITTLEFS_time | LITTLEFS_time.ino | |
122 | NetBIOS | ESP_NBNST | ESP_NBNST.ino | |
123 | NetworkClientSecure | WiFiClientInsecure | WiFiClientInsecure.ino | |
124 | NetworkClientSecure | WiFiClientPSK | WiFiClientPSK.ino | |
125 | NetworkClientSecure | WiFiClientSecure | WiFiClientSecure.ino | |
126 | NetworkClientSecure | WiFiClientSecureEnterprise | WiFiClientSecureEnterprise.ino | |
127 | NetworkClientSecure | WiFiClientSecureProtocolUpgrade | WiFiClientSecureProtocolUpgrade.ino | |
128 | NetworkClientSecure | WiFiClientShowPeerCredentials | WiFiClientShowPeerCredentials.ino | |
129 | NetworkClientSecure | WiFiClientTrustOnFirstUse | WiFiClientTrustOnFirstUse.ino | |
130 | PPP | PPP_Basic | PPP_Basic.ino | |
131 | Preferences | Prefs2Struct | Prefs2Struct.ino | |
132 | Preferences | StartCounter | StartCounter.ino | |
133 | RainMaker | RMakerCustom | RMakerCustom.ino | |
134 | RainMaker | RMakerCustomAirCooler | RMakerCustomAirCooler.ino | |
135 | RainMaker | RMakerSonoffDualR3 | RMakerSonoffDualR3.ino | |
136 | RainMaker | RMakerSwitch | RMakerSwitch.ino | |
137 | SD | SD_Test | SD_Test.ino | |
138 | SD | SD_time | SD_time.ino | |
139 | SD_MMC | SDMMC_Test | SDMMC_Test.ino | |
140 | SD_MMC | SDMMC_time | SDMMC_time.ino | |
141 | SimpleBLE | SimpleBleDevice | SimpleBleDevice.ino | |
142 | SPI | SPI_Multiple_Buses | SPI_Multiple_Buses.ino | |
143 | SPIFFS | SPIFFS_Test | SPIFFS_Test.ino | |
144 | SPIFFS | SPIFFS_time | SPIFFS_time.ino | |
145 | TFLiteMicro | hello_world | hello_world.ino | |
146 | Ticker | Blinker | Blinker.ino | |
147 | Ticker | TickerBasic | TickerBasic.ino | |
148 | Ticker | TickerParameter | TickerParameter.ino | |
149 | Update | AWS_S3_OTA_Update | AWS_S3_OTA_Update.ino | |
150 | Update | HTTPS_OTA_Update | HTTPS_OTA_Update.ino | |
151 | Update | HTTP_Client_AES_OTA_Update | HTTP_Client_AES_OTA_Update.ino | |
152 | Update | HTTP_Server_AES_OTA_Update | HTTP_Server_AES_OTA_Update.ino | |
153 | Update | OTAWebUpdater | OTAWebUpdater.ino | |
154 | Update | SD_Update | SD_Update.ino | |
155 | USB | CompositeDevice | CompositeDevice.ino | |
156 | USB | ConsumerControl | ConsumerControl.ino | |
157 | USB | CustomHIDDevice | CustomHIDDevice.ino | |
158 | USB | FirmwareMSC | FirmwareMSC.ino | |
159 | USB | Gamepad | Gamepad.ino | |
160 | USB | HIDVendor | HIDVendor.ino | |
161 | USB | Keyboard | KeyboardLogout | KeyboardLogout.ino |
162 | USB | Keyboard | KeyboardMessage | KeyboardMessage.ino |
163 | USB | Keyboard | KeyboardReprogram | KeyboardReprogram.ino |
164 | USB | Keyboard | KeyboardSerial | KeyboardSerial.ino |
165 | USB | KeyboardAndMouseControl | KeyboardAndMouseControl.ino | |
166 | USB | MIDI | MidiController | MidiController.ino |
167 | USB | MIDI | MidiInterface | MidiInterface.ino |
168 | USB | MIDI | MidiMusicBox | MidiMusicBox.ino |
169 | USB | MIDI | ReceiveMidi | ReceiveMidi.ino |
170 | USB | Mouse | ButtonMouseControl | ButtonMouseControl.ino |
171 | USB | SystemControl | SystemControl.ino | |
172 | USB | USBMSC | USBMSC.ino | |
173 | USB | USBSerial | USBSerial.ino | |
174 | USB | USBVendor | USBVendor.ino | |
175 | WebServer | AdvancedWebServer | AdvancedWebServer.ino | |
176 | WebServer | FSBrowser | FSBrowser.ino | |
177 | WebServer | HelloServer | HelloServer.ino | |
178 | WebServer | HttpAdvancedAuth | HttpAdvancedAuth.ino | |
179 | WebServer | HttpAuthCallback | HttpAuthCallback.ino | |
180 | WebServer | HttpAuthCallbackInline | HttpAuthCallbackInline.ino | |
181 | WebServer | HttpBasicAuth | HttpBasicAuth.ino | |
182 | WebServer | HttpBasicAuthSHA1 | HttpBasicAuthSHA1.ino | |
183 | WebServer | HttpBasicAuthSHA1orBearerToken | HttpBasicAuthSHA1orBearerToken.ino | |
184 | WebServer | MultiHomedServers | MultiHomedServers.ino | |
185 | WebServer | PathArgServer | PathArgServer.ino | |
186 | WebServer | SDWebServer | SDWebServer.ino | |
187 | WebServer | SimpleAuthentification | SimpleAuthentification.ino | |
188 | WebServer | UploadHugeFile | UploadHugeFile.ino | |
189 | WebServer | WebServer | WebServer.ino | |
190 | WebServer | WebUpdate | WebUpdate.ino | |
191 | WiFi | FTM | FTM_Initiator | FTM_Initiator.ino |
192 | WiFi | FTM | FTM_Responder | FTM_Responder.ino |
193 | WiFi | SimpleWiFiServer | SimpleWiFiServer.ino | |
194 | WiFi | WiFiAccessPoint | WiFiAccessPoint.ino | |
195 | WiFi | WiFiBlueToothSwitch | WiFiBlueToothSwitch.ino | |
196 | WiFi | WiFiClient | WiFiClient.ino | |
197 | WiFi | WiFiClientBasic | WiFiClientBasic.ino | |
198 | WiFi | WiFiClientConnect | WiFiClientConnect.ino | |
199 | WiFi | WiFiClientEnterprise | WiFiClientEnterprise.ino | |
200 | WiFi | WiFiClientEvents | WiFiClientEvents.ino | |
201 | WiFi | WiFiClientStaticIP | WiFiClientStaticIP.ino | |
202 | WiFi | WiFiIPv6 | WiFiIPv6.ino | |
203 | WiFi | WiFiMulti | WiFiMulti.ino | |
204 | WiFi | WiFiMultiAdvanced | WiFiMultiAdvanced.ino | |
205 | WiFi | WiFiScan | WiFiScan.ino | |
206 | WiFi | WiFiScanAsync | WiFiScanAsync.ino | |
207 | WiFi | WiFiScanDualAntenna | WiFiScanDualAntenna.ino | |
208 | WiFi | WiFiSmartConfig | WiFiSmartConfig.ino | |
209 | WiFi | WiFiTelnetToSerial | WiFiTelnetToSerial.ino | |
210 | WiFi | WiFiUDPClient | WiFiUDPClient.ino | |
211 | WiFi | WPS | WPS.ino | |
212 | WiFiProv | WiFiProv | WiFiProv.ino | |
213 | Wire | WireMaster | WireMaster.ino | |
214 | Wire | WireScan | WireScan.ino | |
215 | Wire | WireSlave | WireSlave.ino |
- HEXBuilder::hex2bytes
- HEXBuilder::bytes2hex
- md5.add(password) -> .calculate() -> .toString()
- md5.addHexString(passwordAsHex)
- sha1.add(password)
- sha1.addHexString(passwordAsHex)